I recently accompanied the Leader of Fylde Borough Council, John Coombes on a tour of farms in the Fylde. Michael Tomlinson of Keep the Fylde Farming helped to set up the tour. We talked to many farmers and members of associated businesses about the issues faced by our rural communities. These dedicated men and women love the Fylde and they love farming, but they are facing very serious challenges. One thing that can be done right now is to encourage all of Fylde's business people to come together around the table to work together to improve Fylde's long term economic viability. Networking can build local contacts which, in turn, may help farmers to promote their produce. We would also like to help farmers identify available funding streams, of which they might not currently be aware.
I sit on the Enterprise and Employment Theme Group of the Local Strategic Partnership, and the rural economy is one of our main concerns. I will be sharing everything that I learned on the Farm Tour with the Theme Group to see where we might be able to further assist our local farmers and Fylde's related industries.
I sit on the Enterprise and Employment Theme Group of the Local Strategic Partnership, and the rural economy is one of our main concerns. I will be sharing everything that I learned on the Farm Tour with the Theme Group to see where we might be able to further assist our local farmers and Fylde's related industries.